
So You Wanna Find A Great White Shark?

giants baby jersey, Due to their relatively small population size, their inability to (thus far) be kept in long-term captivity, and their occasional reclusiveness with researchers, marine biologists often wish they had more information about the great white shark. The knowledge as to their locations and movements worldwide come from a few sources: sharks observed first hand by researchers and laymen alike, tracking tagged giants baby jersey sharks by satellite, areas where fishermen have caught them, and keeping track of the locations of attacks on humans by these sharks.

Although they are found throughout most temperate coastal waters, there are a handful of areas in the world where they are found in greater numbers. This is most likely due to the high concentrations of their preferred food sources (marine mammals such as seals, sea lions, whales and whale carcasses, dolphins) in these locations. White sharks are solitary creatures, they don\'t swim in schools or pairs, and are only seen in any sort of quantity together when a large source of food is present (such as a dead whale, or a chum stream).

Great whites giants baby jersey are found on both coasts of North America, and while over the years there has been several caught in New Jersey/New York waters, they are much more concentrated in the west. The abundance of pinnipeds in central Californian waters and the ideal water temperature make this area a great white shark paradise. It is also a human paradise - giants baby jersey waters filled with seals and white sharks are also enjoyed year-round by surfers and swimmers - and there are inevitably interactions. Leading shark researcher, Dr. John McCosker wrote, \"Most people do not spend their lives searching for giant sharks. On the other hand, giant sharks DO spend their lives looking for things to eat, and occasionally they encounter a swimmer or diver.\" Though still statistically very rare, the central California coast is known as the \"Shark Attack Capital of the World,\" with the highest number of recorded white shark attacks on humans.

Most likely due to the large number of fur seals and a history of whaling in the area, the waters off the South African coast have one of the world\'s most heavily concentrated great white populations. This area is known for its \"breaching sharks.\" Whites here have been seen leaping clear out of the water when attacking their prey - the subject of many fascinating photographs and a few wildlife documentaries.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6135530

